I read a friend's Facebook status the other day and it has stuck with me.
"Any strength when overdone becomes a weakness"How perfect is that? Some of the things I pride myself on the most might actually be my weaknesses.
My best example is friendship. You can be such a good friend to someone that you become a doormat. Have you ever been too good of a friend to someone that they take you for granted? In the past few months my life has significantly changed because of the end of a friendship? (I'm not sure what to call it) with someone that I considered to be one of my best friends. With the understanding that everyone makes mistakes, I can look back and say that overall I was a great friend. I was thoughtful, caring, respectful, fun to be around, loyal and honest. What else could you ask for? The friendship ended because I felt that I was being mistreated.
This quote made me think that maybe I was too good of a friend. Maybe I was too much of each of these things that my friendship lost its value. That this person thought they could be as mean and hurtful as they wanted and there would be no consequences. Now when I meet new people and start to form friendships, I am hesitant to give 100% in fear that I am giving too much. I want friendship to be one of my strengths and never a weakness.